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陶卓立,男。2003年获得德国哥廷根大学社会学系学士学位,2005年获得德国哥廷根大学社会学系硕士学位,2008年获得德国哥廷根大学社会学系博士学位。2008年-2010年在上海复旦大学心理学系从事博士后研究工作。2010年11月进入东南大学人文学院医学人文系工作, 长期从事青少年心理问题的流行病学研究,第一作者或通讯作者发表SSCI, SCI扩展版英文文章9篇。西文他引70余次。担任国外学术杂志(Edorium Journal of Psychology)编委(member of editor board.),以及四份国外学术杂志《Cyberpsychology, behavior and social networking》(SSCI, 影响因子: 1.36)、《European Eating Disorder Review》(SSCI, 影响因子: 1.283)、《Education Research》、《Plos one》特邀审稿人。在国际首次提出提出了部分网络成瘾的患者表现出进食障碍的危险。“英国精神病学杂志”(British Journal of Psychiatry)的审稿人认为这是国际上第一次提出。结果发表在《Eating and Weight Disorders. SCIE》(SCI扩展版,影响因子: 0.831) 14: e77-e83. 西文他引共35次)。




1. 2017年教育部人文社科基金规划项目“社会网络视角下的互联网吸贩毒群体及其协调综合治理研究”(项目号:17YJAZH076)(主持)

2. 2011年江苏省教育厅高校哲学社会科学基金指导项目“群租房拥挤环境对大学毕业生低收入人群心理行为的影响研究”项目号:(项目号:2011SJD190001)(主持)

3. 2011年南京市卫生局科研基金项目“以脑卒中后抑郁症患者与其照顾者生理心理状况


4. 2011年东南大学优秀青年教师教学科研资助计划(项目代码:3213002203)(主持)



1. Tao ZL*, Liu Y (2018) Exploring the association between parental factors and the onset age of alcohol and tobacco use among a group of Chinese college students. Iran Journal of Public Health. SCI-E. 47(10):1476-1483.

2. Tao ZL*, Wu G, Wang ZY(2016)The relationship between high residential density in student dormitories and anxiety, binge eating and Internet addiction: A study of Chinese college students. Springerplus SCI-E. 5: 1579.

3. Tao ZL*, Sun YH (2015) Eating attitudes, weight control behaviors and risk factors for eating disorders among Chinese female dance students. European Journal of Psychiatry. SSCI. 29(4): 249-258.

4. Tao ZL*(2015)Online Chatrooms for drug users in China: a new kind of social tumor. Edorium Psychology. 1: 18-21.

5. Tao ZL*(2013)The Relationship between Internet addiction and Bulimia in a Chinese samples- Depression as Partial Mediator between Internet Addiction and Bulimia。Eating and Weight Disorders. SCI-E. 18(3): 233-243.

6. Tao ZL(2010)Epidemiological-and risk factors studies on abnormal attitudes towards eating and adverse dieting behaviors among 12-to 25-year-old . Chinese students. European Eating Disorder Review. SSCI 18: 507-514

7. Tao ZL*, Zhong WF (2010)Eating attitudes and weight concern among Chinese middle-aged women- a comparison between different age- and BMI groups. European Journal of Psychiatry. SSCI 24 (3): 147-157

8. Chen CK, Tao ZL*(2010) Binge Eating Disorder in a Chinese Male – A case report. European Eating Disorder Review. SSCI . 18: 154-157

9. Tao ZL*,Liu Y (2009) Is there a relationship between Internet dependence and eating disorders?: A comparison study of Internet dependents and non-Internet dependents. Eating and Weight Disorders. SCI-E 14: 77-83

10. Tao ZL*,Zhong WF(2008)The correlation of Chinese Mothers’Dieting Attitudes and Psychological Characteristics toward Their Children. Eating and Weight Disorders. SCIE 13(3): 149-156


第七届国际情绪障碍学会双年展大会,于2012年4月18-20日在伦敦英国皇家内科医师学院举行(the 7th Biennial Congress of the International Society for Affective Disorders on 18 - 20 April 2012 at the Royal College of Physicians in London)。本人有以下三篇文章被会议接受。

1.1. Tao ZL(陶卓立)*. The Relationship between Internet addiction and Bulimia in a Chinese samples- Depression as Partial Mediator between Internet Addiction and Bulimia。

2.2. Tao ZL(陶卓立)*,Feng QL, Tao S. The relationship between high residential density in students' hostel, anxiety and addictive behaviors (Internet addiction, tobacco -and alcohol use)

3.3. Tao ZL(陶卓立)*,Liu Y. Exploring the association between parents factors and onset age of alcohol and tobacco use among a group of Chinese college students.




第一作者或通讯作者发表SSCI, SCI扩展版英文文章六篇。英文他引十次,(其中SSCI , SCI他引五次)。在国际首次提出了部分网络成瘾的患者,表现出进食障碍的危险。发表在Tao ZL(陶卓立),Liu Y (2009). Is there a relationship between Internet dependence and eating disorders?: A comparison study of Internet dep...



担任国外学术杂志( Edorium Journal of Psychology )编委( member of editor board . ) ,以及四份国外学术杂志《 Cyberpsychology , behavior and social networking 》 ( SSCI ,影响因子: 1.36 ) 、 《 European Eating Disorder Review 》 ( SSCI .结果发表在《 Eating and Weight Disorders . SCIE 》 ( SCI扩展版,影响因子: 0.831 ) 14 : e77 - e83 .西文他引共35次) 。